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Drowning Pool
Glenn Hughes Europe
Wednesday 13
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Glenn Hughes Europe
2:00pm | Zoetermeer, AV
2:00pm | Hamburg, DE
2:00pm | Neuruppin, DE
2:00pm | Krakow, DE
2:00pm | WARSAW, PL
2:00pm | Dresden, DE
2:00pm | Lindau, DE
2:00pm | Nurnberg, DE
2:00pm | Augsburg, DE
2:00pm | Maastricht, NL
2:00pm | Nijmegen, NL
2:00pm | Mannheim, DE
2:00pm | Pratteln, CH
2:00pm | Trondheim, NO
2:00pm | Hyvinkää, FI
2:00pm | Helsinki, FI
Wednesday 13
7:00pm | Flintshire, Wales
7:00pm | Birmingham, England
7:00pm | Preston, England
7:00pm | Sheffield, England
7:00pm | Brighton, Enlgand
7:00pm | Nové Město, Praha
7:00pm | Salzburg, AT
7:00pm | Saarbrücken, AT
March 6
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October 3
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Monday, March 24th
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Monday, September 22nd
Wednesday, September 24th
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March 6
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August 4
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October 3
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